TT better
I did the non theme team thing last year and it involved more moving your roster from week to week when a new best player at position became available you had to get him to keep up you have the top of the top god squad but it involves a lot more making sure to upgrade when a new best came out. TT has its downsides too its to restrictive on who you can add which kinda sucks. I had a 70/30 Super Bowl Combine Hybrid it was an awesome team but I hated most of my players so I sold off the Super Bowl.
That depends on time of year, your preferences & what's available. Early in the year when every player is running around with ball & chain your going to need all the speed you can get. Late in the year when players have jetpacks, thresholds are met the extra tt boost don't matter as much.
Theme team and it’s really not close but toward the end of the year like in may it doesn’t matter because a lot of people will have 99 speed
SosaChamberlain said:theme team. winning with my favorite players is more enjoyable than building a god squad and still getting killed by iform stretch and singleback wing pair rpos.
Well what you described is awful no matter how you swallow it