a way to balance KOs could be to make it so that they only work against certain types of catches - eg make deep zone rac KO, possession KO and agg KO. Otherwise, have the DB behave as if they don’t have a KO. Obviously possession KO would be the most valuable but this way you could see which one your opponent has and act accordingly
Definitely would be a nerf compared to how they currently work. Not sure how effective it will be since the meta would probably end up being whichever type of catching results from most of the meta plays.
Since the offensive player can change which type of catch they go for until they start their catching animation, I wonder how that would interact with these hypothetical abilities.
I would love for EA to at least something like this. But even if they did I'm sure later in the year we would get the full versions of KOs that work regardless of catch type.
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