Anyone else not getting the rewards for legends solos?
Completely close out your game. Then go back into it. Should pop up. I've had this happen several times where I did not get XP or coins for completing solos and Field Pass challenges
Streetz said:Completely close out your game. Then go back into it. Should pop up. I've had this happen several times where I did not get XP or coins for completing solos and Field Pass challenges
Yep. What he said. But the PUP is not worth it. Be careful on what cards you stick in Legend set. For example, if you make an Atwater don’t put his 85, 83, 81 in to make him if you want to Power Up as you will need them again. Which makes PU for him and Lester insane because you will need an 87 for set and an 87 for PU. The Lester card is the only skill up worth the PU imo but not at the cost right now. Power ups are to expensive And will be all year. Pretty sure most people will not run them. A hot card will cost about 2 million to make.