Royce212 said:Free Champion Bailey?!? LFG
Royce212 said:Free Champion Bailey?!? LFG
Talib, Carmicheal and Kuechly
theoriginalkbgames33 said:free?
Think he meant the free legend we get with tokens but i think it's only season 1 legends
Cam Newton confirmed
MrAgentSochi said:He already has a Legends card....
Or are you joking?
No he doesn't what do u mean?
NFLnerd said:No he doesn't what do u mean?
Still gonna assume you were joking
Some new faces for the last couple years. Jack Lambert or Jack Ham would be ideal. Also would love a Bill Fralic.
MrAgentSochi said:
Still gonna assume you were joking
i said "cam newton" calvin johnson was a typo
NFLnerd said:i said "cam newton" calvin johnson was a typo
Wild typo lmaooooo
weplaythose said:Carmicheal would make the game so much more toxic
eh, parham is already in the game. Occasionally he gets an agg catch, but he's not impossible to stop like last year.
toddpack90 said:eh, parham is already in the game. Occasionally he gets an agg catch, but he's not impossible to stop like last year.
Yeah but i think carmicheal is an inch taller and he'll probably have 89-90 speed
weplaythose said:Yeah but i think carmicheal is an inch taller and he'll probably have 89-90 speed
I mean Parham is already pretty fast, who knows. Just not as much of a problem as last year though, which is nice.