This is what inplsn on doing with all my pre order bonuses.

if it makes a difference I took Sam Adams as my team captain as I felt wr and cb would be changing to often for me to pick them and dt is more important early in the year then fb. I also know for a fact I will be getting Brian A. 86 rookie premier card. 

I plan on using 4400 points on the starter team bundle. Im going to get air it out and man to man. I love Herbert and the o line is pretty good. for man to man the corners are great. I will also be building a Vikings theme team and both of those have 2 Viking chem players. (4 total). 

For the 87 ovr all madden player I am going to pick micha Parsons. There are not any high ovr rolb Vikings. I make a lot of changes to my wrs so I wasn’t feeling copper cupp. The Vikings have a lot of good rbs so before too long a new high ovr rb that will make Barry sanders not useful.  Kam was an option but I can work with Harrison smith so I decided on micha. 

For the 83 of and def players. starting with off,  originally I was going to go with Lamar but after the  starter bundle he’s no longer needed. I am already getting an 81 ovr waddle with the starter bundle so the 83 would not be that big of an upgrade. The swift would be a 1 ovr upgrade form the Patterson I will get from the starter bundle so that who I am going to go with. 

defense:  Simmons was immediately out because I am already getting a 82 Simmons with the starter bundle plus I’m getting 86 brain A. For my Vikings tt. I’m also already getting a 84 fs so peppers would not make sense. that leaves. Montez sweat witch is great because he will be 3 ovr uparade at RE. 

finally for the 82 ovr headliners player. Farley,Walker,Runyan and Conner would not be starters so they are out. that leaves Moore and Williams. since I took Sam Adams as my team captain I don’t think Williams is that needed. Moore would make a nice addition as my wr nb.2 so that who I am going to go with.

Let me know your thoughts. Happy muting.(i already know I made like 50 million typing errors so no need to point them out  I just do t feel like fixing them, that’s for you zac ;) )