What determines the price of a 99 ovr card or the prices of all other cards during a madden season?
It cant be the community setting prices or any one individual. Mut.GG has all prices and updates cards info when needed but i dont think theyre capable or authorized to interfere with EAs intellectual property.
My question is why is the economy of this game dictated to the people using it?? And why do we accept or do/say nothing about the devaluation of different ovr cards being decreased over time. Why cant the community determine when a 99 ovr will be worth 200k from a similar card same stats and abilities for 500k.
Read this or dont. Reply or dont. Agree or disagree or dont, but know if you play madden you were bent over and taken for time your life. Rolling over and subconsciously accepting this foul grime of a game and its malignant practices you turn a blind eye to for you dont give in to it like the others so it costs you nothing. The fool would see as such and some may never allow themselves to see the machine they ride and oil for what it really is and what its doing.
See me type in discord and dont acknowledge me or what ive said, or dont. Be better human beings, resist the faceless urge to fall to the online disinhibition affect. Be stronger than those who cant help but to fail to the voice thats quick to reply with negativity, for their mind cannot see.
Be kind, be inclusive and communicate with all like a real life friend/family. If this is corny to you. Then dont..