elmango30 said:Your CFM sounds pretty restricting from a competitive standpoint, all 3 of those things are allowed in the NFL
Well, sort of but look at the QB nonsense in H2H. In the league I'm in the aim is to make it as realistic as possible to real football within the confines of an imperfect game. QB 'scrambling' in H2H is nuts with people essentially abusing the ability to gain an unfair advantage because of coverage limitations etc. Look at this year - QB Contain flat out doesn't work and if you just keep rolling out to the sideline until the coverage break then that's not realistic. Or fair. We allow scrambling but only if it's in the play art OR the play breaks down. QB's are allowed to roll out and they are allowed to run for yards if the play breaks or is a designed QB run. They're not allowed to just sprint sideways with no pressure.
The LB/DB rule is just that only LB's can play in the SLB spot on the roster. So DB's will play in Dime, Quarters etc but only an LB plays in the SLB slot. It works fine, most GM's just stick a fast LB in there but again, its just trying to balance the game a bit. I don't particularly agree with this rule and it is one that gets talked about as the real game has more and more tweeners but it's the same for everyone so no one is that bothered. You just need to be a decent User.
The 3 play rule just stops spamming. Everyone has their favorite plays but what NFL team would run the same one over and over? Madden has no in game logic to get wise to it like a real team would so we stick a 3 play block on offense and a cooldown on D where there are less plays to call. Most Offensive playbooks have 100+ plays so its not like you run out.