Anyone in here on PC? (Yes, I need a console bad)
Just weary on the market....console market is going down, and ours is going up.
Just hoping theres a crash like the rest.
Anyone in here on PC? (Yes, I need a console bad)
Just weary on the market....console market is going down, and ours is going up.
Just hoping theres a crash like the rest.
With the limited player base on PC, you might be waiting much longer for a crash than console. PC might need a huge influx of higher overall cards, fire rerolls, or packs to be on a fire sale for that market to crash. UL might be the program to do that but we wont be seeing that for a couple weeks.
I'm on PC and share your frustration. I've see good cards that aren't even available on PC at any price. Maybe EA could do some "seeding"?