Does the person who pulled the GT opportunity get to determine the discounted abilities on the player they create, or do they just give EA a name/card and EA decides what abilities the player gets?
I think the person decides on abilities
Eagles215 said:Creator decides
Thank you for the clarification, and I guess the person who created the Peppers card either is a moron or just wanted to troll every one and waste a GT.
mberezoski said:Thank you for the clarification, and I guess the person who created the Peppers card either is a moron or just wanted to troll every one and waste a GT.
Yes but they just updated gts and all the xfactors except sefless and momentum shift startbon/off 6 plays
This batch of Gts was created by nfl players and EA picked the abilities
mberezoski said:Thank you for the clarification, and I guess the person who created the Peppers card either is a moron or just wanted to troll every one and waste a GT.
You are also only allowed certain choices to choose from. So just cause I know deep zone ko and mid zone etc... are all OP and thats what I would want on the Peppers card for example. They might not let them have those as an option for the 0 ap buckets. They have certain criteria to pick from