Two games in a row now I've gotten midway through 2nd quarter and been kicked from server in middle of solo battle games. Is anyone else having this issue? Don't want to burn remaining two games yet if so.
I have not heard of this being a widespread issue. Now there is a chance that something could have been going on with psn or ea servers at the time that caused this. But I think an issue with your internet connection is the most likely cause. I'd say most if not all of my disconnects can be traced back to my connection on ps5.
I have had this issue on PC and I don't believe it's related to the platform or your SOHO (network) situation or whatever honestly. I've encountered this while hardwired and internet connectivity fully verified the entire session. But of course I still lose my 800 pass yards and 8 TDs or time, seriously, it happened at the last 15 seconds of a solo battle I was up 70-0 or something, and I completely lost everything and it was ultimately a draw or whatever, lmao...but I never lost Internet connectivity or anything. Seriously, they should just let you keep your stats from solo battles and not lose them completely from a disconnection because what on earth is there to lose...the 1,000 coins from being one rank up? Oh no.. hahaha