Would it be more beneficial to sell my players whilst TVP packs are still in store? they're the only thing really holding the market up rn but idk if the crash on/after Wednesday will be as big as many YT creators think. So basically just asking if I should sell my team now or wait till season roll over?
Why would the market crash Wednesday?
JJ3434JJ said:Why would the market crash Wednesday?
I misspoke on Wednesday but because TVPs getting taken out of the game on Thursday at noon and the drop of campus heroes 2 sometime before Saturday (most likely Wednesday or Thursday) will make add a ton of new and good players. when everyone is pulling those packs there's gonna be little incentive to quick sell for training with no TVP packs in the store, so it will just create an influx of players
Yeah the market always crashes when tvp is gone. Higher end meta cards will be more of a slow burn but there will be a significant dip and there already has been
I never sell my entire team but if you have some high end players you may be looking to sell in the near future, I’d recommend selling them before TVP leaves the store. There will be new players coming out with new upcoming programs and of course not having the TVP will decrease the price Of current player items.
Yooperman said:I never sell my entire team but if you have some high end players you may be looking to sell in the near future, I’d recommend selling them before TVP leaves the store. There will be new players coming out with new upcoming programs and of course not having the TVP will decrease the price Of current player items.
yea this was just for my recievers and RB pretty much, I don't think I could force myself to sell my defense RN just because my of how its been playing and how much ive invested. plus I have the Epic DB Strat so I am never really worried about my defense but I feel like my receivers are all gonna be too outdated soon so I Gotta get all the coins outta them I can rn