Hey Team here is a set calculator for madden 24.
How to use:
- only update the Average Price (per OVR) and Market Cost (before tax)
- the lower and upper quartile are done by multiplying the average cost by small increment (i.e. 0.9*x = lower quartile, 1.05*x = upper quartile) IF these needs adjusting, alter the formula accordingly
- the set cost and after market tax formulas should NOT be amended
If you want to add new over all sets in current promos:
1) copy and paste an existing set of set over all calculations on the current page, and paste it where you want.
2) using paste special can keep column widths
If you want to add new promos:
1) Simply right click on one of the tabs at the bottom, and create a copy
2) on your “Copy“ sheet, amend the tab name and the page title accordingly. you can also take a screen shot off Madden Ultimate Team’s Twitter/X and locate the weekly schedule to obtain the promo logo
3) You can change the Over all requirements and add new lines by copying and pasting previous lines if needed.
Hope this is helpful for you!