currently run playoff flowers in the slot. looking to upgrade. i run genki DK and SB MVS on the outside. who do yall recommend?
Budget? Because deebo is great
Wiggg said:Budget? Because deebo is great
No budget. I had Deebo for a bit. Felt he was only marginally better than flowers for much more money so went back to flowers and banked the coin. Might go back to him though idk
Tory Holt has been solid on SB TT and maybe unpopular move but I maxed out Hines Ward and he’s also solid on TT. Hines has good run blocking as well. May need to grab Deebo tho
Hines ward beast, I have deebo too but have him as outside / 2nd slot behind hinez, yeah and bro mentioned above, pretty sure hinez is best blocking WR in game
Others have mentioned it but deebo/Hines can’t go wrong with either. Deebo breaks a lot of tackles after the catch for me also. We may be getting TOTY tyreek so there will be more options in a week or two if you’re not in a hurry