Mouseman said:I haven’t seen much of it but I have 10/40 legends tt. Is that why I can’t play hr?
You need a T6 TT from an actual NFL team as far as I know. That's 30/50.
Mouseman said:I haven’t seen much of it but I have 10/40 legends tt. Is that why I can’t play hr?
You need a T6 TT from an actual NFL team as far as I know. That's 30/50.
too damn long that's all I know
Gcode13 said:I actually don't mind the amount of points or wins to complete HR. I play squads mostly so it's nice to have a quicker paced, shorter game for 1v1s
I hope there is a permanent HR mode for the remainder of m23s existence
the rewards are garbage have the time so it's not really worth the grind
Hellband said:Can I use a legends theme team for this?
no has to be a NFL team
LeftHandUp said:If he isn't bound then I don't know why anyone is bitching lol.
It’s just the part where it takes 16+ hours to get him when it took like one hour to get Pola-Mao and it would be worth it if he wasn’t basically just NTL who costs 300k. People bitch a lot about this game but it’s warranted sometimes.
50 pp per win and need 8500+ pp. you get pp for big plays but just on wins we are talking 170 w’s. the bad part is it’s not even a fun house rules. It’s a regular half of football with X factors on
Geo7030 said:i mean it shouldnt be easy to get a sellable gold 99 cornerback thats very good and usable
its not sellable
sugarrmilkk said:Someone did the math on the ultimate team subreddit. It’s likely over 150 games.
It‘s absolutely insane.
How are we suppose to do this and Mut champs? Too much grinding
MonkeyBalls said:its not sellable
the player page on this site is waiting for auction data. i think it might be sellable. was on the fence about the grind but if its sellable its worth it. 2 mil coins easy.
also the card gets all 32 team chems and can equip any of the three tt remix chem boosts. so its not just another CB. even if card is played at CB5 that boost is OP.
People always find a reason to complain.. I feel this was for people who still use regular tts, not the op legends or Ul. Also this gives people a chance to play a quicker regular game against non sweats. Most HR games have dumb ass rules. However, 150 Ws is wild if that's true
MonkeyBalls said:its not sellable
Wdym. There's no bnd sign on it and the price on here says unknown
RihannaKindaMid said:It’s just the part where it takes 16+ hours to get him when it took like one hour to get Pola-Mao and it would be worth it if he wasn’t basically just NTL who costs 300k. People bitch a lot about this game but it’s warranted sometimes.
But the point is you can grind whatever you want and still buy him.
i just hit 2000 points towards this card. some things I have learned:
-if your opponent does a normal concede during game you won't get awarded 100 pts--you get like 80.
--if your opponent does a petulant concede, i.e. disconects you get 100 pts.
-if you are behind in a game and have racked up at least one first down and hopefully some points you can concede and get awarded 20 pts. staying to end of game doesn't really reward anything extra that i can tell.
--if you concede early in a game, i.e. opponent scores a fast td and you quit out you ZERO points.
i have been awared as many as 30 points in a loss; as few as 50 in a win (quick concede), and the max I have gotten in a win is 112.
cannot figure out what gives points. prety sure first downs/yards gained are worth something. i think a score is worth at least 10 in a loss.