Is it just me or does anyone else have a Steve young that plays like shit. I have 1 so gunslinger on him and he still takes forever to get a throw off. I even made it so that he rolls out to the left on 95% percent of my play and it doesn’t matter. Is there a better quarterback that I can use who also scrambles.
Lamar Jackson is the best scrambling qb
He has the best AP discounts of any scrambling type of QB on top of that his stats arent bad at all.
Highly suggest Rocketz article on the front page!
More times than not when I go against Steve young the opponent doesn’t do well. Can’t speak on him from experience of using him but from going against id say he isn’t that great
Im using him and I gotta say, he is rougher then I expected. Like the lefty thing doesn't bother me as I used Vick a ton, but something is very off, especially on playaction passes. I say like 80% of the time he plays great, but then theres that 20% of "WTF was that" type passes (or passing attempts LOL) that got me shaking my head! I picked him up as he looked like the best HRM QB out right now but I'm at the point to say screw HRM and go get my boy Cunningham!