Idk if it'll take someone with an economics degree to explain to me wtf EA does with virtual currency collected from a 10% sales tax. This could be said about a few things in their games, but the question remains.... why?
I "think" it is just EA's way of taking coin off the table. The more coin they can drain from the users the more likely users are to either engage / play to make coin, or buy packs with points to sell on AH (minus 10% of course)...EA wins either way.
They do whatever they can to make coins hard to get. It helps keep the money spenders spending and keeps the grinders grinding. Anything they can do to make it more difficult to turn a profit.
Simply put coin burn is how they maintain the value of coins across multiple releases and deeper into the year
same with training burn although I think that’s way more bs
the easiest explanation is gambling (at a casino, online sportsbook,etc.). Every game you play at the casino and every interaction you have with this Madden game is slanted in favor of the house. Your addiction is leveraged for the benefit of EA's investors.
Coin drainer for a good market
Someone on either Reddit or somewhere else had a good write-up o this but economically, it is actually a good thing for the game's economy to charge a tax. I don't mind it. Cards would be swapping all over the place, values would drop, coins would be devalued, etc, without it.