I started mut late and I only have this week to get Trevor Lawrence is it possible to do it in one week? I have over 100 cp already but I don’t think it’s possible to get 200 in one week
Less than a week. You have until Monday.
It may could be done if you played H2H all weekend.
I don‘t think it‘s possible in three days tbh.
But then again, I‘ve seen some crazy determined people streaming their sessions online ;-)
Good luck !
I feel like the time they gave us to begin with wasn’t enough. I mean unless madden runs your life. I play quite often but i can’t be on it 24/7 and I only have 105 competitive points out of 200
Yeah, it does seem a bit unfair to ask for 100 points a week.
you gotta play weekend league and win, every win is 2 cp, plus for 5 wins its 20 cp, 10 20 cp, 15,20,25 all 20 cp. thats 100 cp right there, if you can win 25 weekend league games
archaicwarrior said:you gotta play weekend league and win, every win is 2 cp, plus for 5 wins its 20 cp, 10 20 cp, 15,20,25 all 20 cp. thats 100 cp right there, if you can win 25 weekend league games
I’m like 11-4 rn and wl has gotten me 100 so far but I don’t think h2h will give enough
jaybird said:Less than a week. You have until Monday.
It may could be done if you played H2H all weekend.
Yeah I worded it wrong I got on Tuesday I thinking and grinded solos n built my team than started mut champs I just don’t think it’s possto get 200 cp in a week bc there is only 25 mut champ games idk if h2h will give enough cp when I’m done with mut champs tonight I just wanna know hoe much u can earn in a week total so Ik if I need to try to grind out the last half lol
Hailey58 said:I’m like 11-4 rn and wl has gotten me 100 so far but I don’t think h2h will give enough
well i got 20 wins in wl over 2 weeks, 20 wins in reg h2h, and did my solo battles, i got trevor, and im at like 283 cp