I bought the card sat AM on drop for 1.4 mil. spent saturday using the card with the UL MLB/OLB chems activated. Stork replaced UL Vrabel. was not impressed i think Vrabel gets to QB faster off the edge. so i sold satuirday night for 1.8 mil.
bought the card back monday morning just b4 it was out of packs figuring worst case scenario was i break even (paid 1.35 this time).
i have used the card again yesterday and today. at one point i had lurker and acrobat on the card. never saw it animate. i am not usering the card tho. still not impressed.
does anyone out there think Hendricks is worth the coins? i have 11 mil liquid coins and about 15 LTD's in the binder so coins not an issue. but i can't justify the cost based on performance.
i had no problem paying 1.6 for Kam and 900 k for rison. happy with both of them. also paid 1.6 for larry allen. no regrets there either.
just curious to hear from ppl who really like him and why.