When will Madden 23 Playbook database be released?
When they can scrape the info
I just mainly need it to get dropped to find a defensive playbook that was like the rams for 22……i miss those defensive packages, i hate this new one……maybe the chargers would have it since staley was the rams d coordinator
this reddit link might help you a little:
i found its pretty accurate and the google sheet link is safe.
It gives the basic formation package but I did find some of the plays in the formation dont match last year.
It got me close though. The other way is check out the playbooks yourself from the main menu before you got into MUT. But you have to go through each playbook one by one.
I am waiting for the alt playbooks and hoping they didn't nerf the shit out of those. Its like EA took the most used plays out of every playbook or made sure that you cant have everything. Figures -_-