Hello all, Just recently added a lineup here on MUT, I have to say this website is very user friendly and appreciate every ones time and effort who makes this site capable of what it is. Im fairly new to this site since this year. So again huge thanks to everyone that makes this site beneficial in so many ways.
I currently utilize the 46 defensive playbook. I mix up a lot of man and zone out of Big Nickel, Dime, and Dollar. sometimes nickel 3-3 and 46 in the red zone. If anyone has the time to quickly glance over my positioning to see if i'm correctly utilizing my players and not missing anything, Id truly appreciate it. Especially in the specialist part because i'm kind of confused in regard to that.
Any tips or advice on my current line up is greatly appreciated, since this is my first year on MUT and Madden in general since like 2008 also (NMS)
Thanks again!!!!