Hey everyone, I just started out a few weeks ago and as the title might suggest, my team is neither coherent nor very good. My current line-up looks like this:
I have very limited knowledge about the game (most of my knowledge is that this site apparantely contains the most useful information) and teambuilding. I'm a very casual player with absolutely no competitive aspirations. I have the most fun simply messing around, building my team and only playing Solo Challenges. On Defense I usually go with Blitz after Blitz after Blitz, simply because I'm too dumb to properly cover a zone and because rushing (and hopefully tackling/hitting) someone is much more fun. I don't think I will ever play H2H, so the requirements for my team might be a little different compared to others.
This is also where I need your help. I'm simply overwhelmed by all the choices, mechanics, abilities, chems and everything else there is. Because of that, I have saved my Fantasy Packs, which have some very good players in them because I don't want to make the wrong choice. At this very moment I have the following fantasy packs:
- 2 x TOTY 98 (pick any TOTY)
- 3 x Combine Hero 95
- 1 x Gridiron Guradian 95 (the one with the Motivators)
I'm planning to do some more Solos and get another 98 TOTY pick and I'll do the Combine Solos to get either 95 Porter Jr. or another 95 Combine Hero, so you might want to keep these in mind. I'm sitting on about 1M coins (Xbox One) at the moment, you can use all of that however you wish. In my current lineup all players above 90 OVR are not auctionable, except for Awuzie and Chancellor (bought the two because I like them and needed players for that position, not because of any in-game reason).
What about a Theme Team? I don't know, you tell me. I think we can agree, that a theme is not absolutely necessary for me. However, I think I could enjoy being "forced"/"biased" on future player picks because of a theme. On the other hand I have no idea if at theme constrains team building too much and makes it too cumbersome. You know better than me anyways, so I'm open to any and all suggestions on this (I know this will heavily affect the player-picks). I'm a casual NFL fan from Europe and don't have a favorite team. There are a bunch of players I really like, but they are scattered accross the league so I'm mostly feeling very indifferent about the teams. Just suggest what you think makes sense from an in-game point-of-view, but for me, personal team-preference plays little to no part here. As I said, I trust your guidance: no theme, single-team-theme or multiple-team-theme, you name it!
Who do you think I should pick? What should I spend my coins on? Theme Team or simply picking the best players? Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for reading up to this point and another big thanks to anyone taking the time to comment and share their thoughts.