So I am running a colts theme team and it's a cheap fun team to run plus no money spent which is even better. I am on PS4 PRO.
Is it better to run a 50/50 theme team or a 25/25 split team? I get a plus 2 on speed and other abilities with the 50/50 set up and im guessing that would drop to a plus 1 speed along with other abalities with the 25/25 theme team.
My question is playing online H2H games do you get those bonuses or are they just for the solo / challenges in the game?
Also if I play squads with a frined and he runs a 49ers theme team on defense and I run colts theme on offense would we get a plus one or plus two in those Squad matches with those theme teams split or are those thrown out being your playing with a friend? Just trying to understand how these work and what works best for in game H2H, Squads, or Challenges?
What is your opinion on theme teams verses just overall teams in the game? I have looked into the theme team part on this site but still trying to learn much as possible from others. Hope my questions make sense if not let me know and I will try and explain them better. Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving to all.