saw someone post on twitter with it being updated
Re: Free ultimate legend?
Re: Golden Ticket idea-Lolb Calvin Johnson
guthrie2231 said:If this was a Golden Ticket it would be awesome!
i was looking forward to him getting an upgrade to his cb item… sad they changed him to lolb for his ul dynamic item……im hemorrhaging with OLB’s
Re: BND QS value, is there logic to it?
theprofyte said:Decided to do a hero set for ROH for the 95+ BND pack. Figured I could break even on cost and have a chance at the least for some training. Nope, pulled a 95 which QS for 13K, aka 13% of regular value. Little more than an 8th. What’s that about?
sounds about right……always remember hearing people say bnd are supposed to qs for like 1/4 training value and i had never had that experience
Re: I’ll make any lineup you want
Justin_Time18 said:
there you are my friend
W……honestly surprised so many oop spots are filled……wasnt sure how many rams u were gonna end up having to use
Re: I’ll make any lineup you want
not fully a theme team but can u do an OOP team and then any empty spots are filled with rams chem
Re: mut players??
Chiefsfan91 said:in your opinion, who are the most disrespected players in mut? i was looking at theme teams and absolutely shocked fletcher cox still at a core elite 83. im sure theres others like this
im not a steelers fan but alex highsmith with only his 80 core item is ridiculous……man was up for toty voting and cant get a single upgrade
Re: 35 solo battles wins= free 99?
so obviously its a choice……either 20 hr wins OR 35 h2h/sb wins……but still not bad for a free 99
Re: field pass tokens
Re: field pass tokens
there are the season set tokens like there have been with the choice of 1 for a 96, 2 for a 97, 3 for a 98 and 4 for a 99
there are then the player set tokens for the choice of 1 of 4 upgradeable 97’s that will become 99
two different things
wildcard tokens
i saw the master set for the nike guys but did they mention anything about an endgame for those tokens yet?
Re: Golden Ticket Opportunity packs
SportsPerson94 said:Instead of trying to insult people, why don't you tell me how to do it?
wasnt slinging insults……just stating facts……just download the madden companion app onto ur phone and then u login with ur madden account info and iirc ur able to open packs with it, use the auction house and even complete sets using it
Re: Golden Ticket Opportunity packs
SportsPerson94 said:Idk, are you asking me or telling me?
bit of both since ur using work as an excuse for not being able to open the packs
Re: Golden Ticket Opportunity packs
isnt there the mobile app that allows u to open packs now……u can log on real quick at work so there is no excuse
Re: 5m training roll results
yeah today its been nothing but 91’s from the training rolls and the roh coin pack……im checked out now
Re: Season 5 XP
KLowe7 said:I have done all the milestones and promo field pass XP and I'm still 10k short of level 49. Even if I were to complete 40+ daily's I'm still short of finishing the Season 5 pass. Anywhere else I can get XP? Anyone else in the same position?
thats odd……i didnt even hit day 40 on the milestones but i have done all the weekly objectives and promo passes and i just finished off season 5 yesterday