primetime22337 said:Who are you using?
I still use Stafford, but am going to upgrade to Hurts very soon
primetime22337 said:Who are you using?
I still use Stafford, but am going to upgrade to Hurts very soon
XxLamarvelousxX said:Anyone have plays to beat cover two man?
If u have Outside Apprentice, run the play Flood from Gun Bunch. Put X on a post, block A, put B on a slant and motion it to the outside. Throw to X and pass lead inside when he is in the middle of the field.
mrenteimut said:anyone even here lmao? what are your team ovrs?
Yes we are here. I am 93 ovr and NMS
Cover 3 Bomb: Flood
For the Cover 3 Bomb, simply just call the play Flood, no adjustments are needed.
The out route ran by RB/R1 pulls the Outside Third towards the sidelines which makes this bomb work.
Throw the ball to B and pass lead it to t…
id say go with humphrey he has better speed. Go sherman if u have a theme team he fits on
Yanks8981 said:Are you interested in who I am taking even though I am not NMS?
ramsey gonna be slow af sadly cause he is one of the players that ea likes to make slow
Which NCAT 94 campus hero will you all be taking from the challenges?
I personally will be taking Matthews and will be putting him at LG to replace Vera-Tucker