if you have the auctionable pickens like ur lineup says sell him asap hes a free 600k and rly isnt good anymore
Re: Lineup upgrade suggestions
Re: Anything i need to upgrade?
Bismillah said:I got an 89 ovr team 50/50 MF TT the most op team in the game rn
so why u dissing an 89 ovr team 😂
Re: Anything i need to upgrade?
Bismillah said:Yea the whole team…
sb got an 80 ovr team 😂
Re: Need a RB
RonaldDobbs said:I would get MF Kamara if you want a newer guy. Â If you are looking for more of a budget rb, go with 89 Walter Payton.
this, payton is insane
Re: Anything i need to upgrade?
kaotikords said:no LTD is 300k
ik thats my coin stack
Anything i need to upgrade?
got 300k rn, only buying LTDs though
Re: Need ideas
Re: I need help
Re: [LEGENDS SAT] Who do hope gets one? **BLURRS ADDED**
100% romo on the left, gonna have that legend x sfl x factor if that’s him
Re: Best Free 90 MF BND?
Night Train is gonna be usable for 1-2 months as a high-end card so i'd def take him
Re: Investing in 87s bad or good?
sets won't require 87's anymore with 91s so i'd sell as soon as you can
Re: My Team
you really spent all that time making that just for a fake lineup?
How long until we see discounted abilities?
we think we see this thursday with 91's and All-Madden?