Offer trades on the following. All cards will be seeking Bengals QB. Offer any card above the minimum listed. I'll list the card up for trade and then the minimum overall accepted. For example, 85 WR Saints - 83. You'll find and 85 Saints WR looki…
MULTI GIVEAWAY PS4 - 420k+! - ends late-night this Friday 5/6/22
Re: Sooooooo I had a very nice pull today
Re: To Legend
Azzers said:Its not im being fr
Maybe edit your OP and put "frfr" at the end, so people know you're being sincere. I could tell, but obviously, some cannot.
Re: All "players who got their careers derailed team". Injuries, bad habits, retiring early, etc
Felipe972 said:wheres Adrian Peterson, and calvin ridley
OP also disrespected Henry Ruggs
Re: Best bundle to buy right now? Or even in the future?
I'd wait until golden tickets are in packs at a minimum. Later this week.
Re: Is it time?
Re: Rate my team
26elliothamilton said:I sold him to get bush
Yet there is no Bush to be found on your team.
Re: To Legend
TraeSkywalker said:Not trying to preach but Real Life especially school is much greater than madden or many of the social things young people have going now and I know that’s hard to see while you are still in school believe me I work at a college so have first hand daily experience. I understand the want for recognition and you will get it through your actions. If discord is a requirement then figure out a way to qualify under to current requirements please don’t try to get them amended for you here or in any situation. That will help you in life tremendously. I know you don’t have discord but I know this has happened with me and several other members, we get to know each other in discord and have had some younger members who are still in school they have mentioned they are doing well in class or have done something positive at home or with their friends and we have given them some awesome cards not because they asked but because their actions prompted others to act positively on their behalf. Im sure I’m rambling but there is a lot of advice here that if taken in a constructive manner can have a very positive effect on your real life. Id be happy to talk and help in anyway I can buddy. God Bless
Re: To Legend
Lildrift56 said:But you dont get to pick any non LTD player 🤔
Big deal. When you have knowledge, you can generate enough coins to buy all the non-LTD players you want!
Re: To Legend
Why can't you have a discord account?
Focus on school more than MUT and member of the week. Member of the week lasts a week, knowledge lasts a lifetime and the rewards are better too. Take it from me, Member of the Week from 12/20-12/26.
Re: Rate my team
Re: Late night (small, like 100k) giveaway
LOL. there was like two offers on each. I'll do another tiny giveaway later.
edit - but I completed the giveaway to whoever was just less offers than I expected.
Re: Late night (small, like 100k) giveaway
If you want to offer trades, hurry. I'll accept trades in like an hour or so.
Re: Late night (small, like 100k) giveaway
Busta said:Rough crowd! No takers? What system Beefy boy??
Oh, right. PS4, sorry.