Garrin65 said:Yeah that’s true but I wonder if it overlaps or makes the animation better
Garrin65 said:Yeah that’s true but I wonder if it overlaps or makes the animation better
They mostly come from the ZC promo and GTs.
They still work the same way as other normal cards do in that spot. So even if hes FS he can play there, sub, ss, cb etc.
weplaythose said:Honestly Reach For It might be one of the most underrated abilities in the game. For me its the difference between getting 3 yards on a run and getting 7
Dont need it if they have the trait though!
Kyleb63 said:They truly hate investors. I have a million coins worth of useless 75-79 golds that I have to get out of my binder now…
Yeah they dont want you making easy coins lol
What else do you have it with? What players are you getting?
Kyleb63 said:They only showed the bottom of the set. It will require higher OVR cards.
They try to hide the sets in reveals so that we don’t all pre-build.
Exactly, especially when its all cards and not promo cards anymore
PoundTheRock said:That’s what I figured. Heard a couple streamers tossing around the idea lately but figured the numbers didn’t line up but wanted to see if anyone in the community had really tried. Thanks
I think the only one you could techincally do would be the CH since it has the most x3/x4 you could get
I used the original option for accurary and never changed anything on it
Bland needs +5 to get 90/90, which is too much. Plus Deion gets free PA so hes hands down better.
Obv if youre running a full Dallas team both are great to have. Deion is obv going to get the OOP WR too which is why he always has the higher catc…
MrAgentSochi said:Ngl this is the worst TDs card art since M21
Fucking bell?!….
92 warren, 92 bell, 89 Najee and 87 bus. (And broken knees Gurley) wtf man
give me gd AB