In additiona to SFL, HRM. GS, and Fearless for 3 AP, Stabler also gets Run n Gun - always on - for…
Yep. I love that. I couldn't use Herbert last year because of his release
On Slinger 3 GS makes the short throws like slinger 1. GS is always necessary these days IMO. Fear…
I misunderstood you. I thought u were talking about fearless, GS, and SFL/PLE
So 3 AP for GS, HRM, and PLE? That is insane!
You can also do a set for the upgrade token I think...because these HR suck. I hate HR where x fact…
It absolutely matters unless you user your CB the entire play. By the time you click on your CB's m…
Yeah if he gets HRM also then that's the 4 abilities you want. Does he get SFL or does he get PLE? …
Without the Run n Gun and AKA style X factors I guess?
Best QB stack in the game is actually, GS, PLE, HRM, fearless and then another always on ability fo…