Inside stuff on Sexy Dexy single handedly kills the opponents inside run game......where have you b…
You kinda need inside stuff on your DT and he doesn't get it
No. Mutgg says he gets it as an X factor. On for a few plays then off
So you say you've won multiple Super Bowls in H2h and you think Speed and agility mean nothing...yo…
I run stretch with Edge and he's as good as any back I have used, and I have used every high end HB…
I don't agree that Mahomes is the worst QB in the game but I do agree that Aikman is the better cho…
That's just not true. Rickey plays very well, even a lot of the MCS tourney guys use him. It's pret…
"Only" 1 less speed? Dude has 93 speed, 93 COD, 93 agility. There's no other card in the game like…
Only if they gave e him the good juke animarion.
This is incorrect. Lamar has the best release in the game this year. Slinger 1 is maybe in the to…