If Marino has a good relase and gets SFL or HRM , DEFINITELY Marino
I guess because he's a free card they gave him the worst possible traits
That's only if you play AM, and there's also labbing studies done that show that threshholds even o…
Scary Terry is known for his speed, especially in Madden and they couldn't give him 92 speed LOL
That really only for the cards that can be upgraded by performance. Harvest promo is not only for …
Dude is run stopper archetype getting DPOW you think they'd get him to the IS threshhold
How does this dude only get 75 RBK and 76 IBL with 92 LBK. I think EA just rolls dice or spins a wh…
I hope they do a better job this year on his animations. His card last year wouldn't jump for anyt…
Yes. Slinger 2 is better than Aikman's release. But with gunslinger they are all similar
Are Harvest cards getting a 4th bucket?