Re: Sean Taylor’s Birthday tomorrow. think EA catches on to that and drops him?
that’s what I’m thinking. if he’s a 98 release however, i will not be saving my tokens
sean taylors birthday tomorrow. all I’m sayin
Sean Taylor’s Birthday tomorrow. think EA catches on to that and drops him?
EA gotta release him! i don’t see it happening bc EA can be slow to these things, but dam im hoping.
Have 125/125 tokens and 2m coins if he’s an LTD locked…
completed all TD solos on my phone on PS Remote play
that goes to show how easy they are to complete. did them at work lmao
Re: An AMAZING idea.
yeah just ain’t no way. if someone wants to make an elusive 190lb 5’10” running back a 99 and someone else wants to make a bruiser 260lb 6’3” running back a 9…
best team diamonds in your opinion?
let’s hear it!
also: my condolences to anyone’s theme team got a lineman. AZ got a C which is always such great fun
Re: Gameplan against 3 Unstoppable Forces?
get identifier and threat detector. i run the ball and throw short and away from the user. i also put players in zig or out routes by the blitzing corner and t…
Re: how’s flash? better than gus?
hahaha. i don’t abuse the run though, i pass 67% of the game according to my stats. they’re just a nice 1-2 punch to keep my opponent honest if they play hella…
Buy/build Deion now or after team diamonds?
i really want that deion card. was thinking about building him for 1.6m and getting 160k training by doing two 98 sets and then selling my Decastro for 700k an…
how’s flash? better than gus?
i run gus and AJ Dillion. wondering if i should swap one of em out for flash. how is he?
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