Re: People on xbox paying 1.6 milly for Jack Campbell
I ended up 1 mut champ game short of 15 wins which would have got me to Campbell...I'm guessing with make rights going out that all 1000 will be gone today sad…
Re: Where is my comp pass make right
I just got mine and now I'm just staring sadly at screen since 15 mut champs wins would have gotten me a top 1000 Campbell 😭
Re: AKA Donald "Terminator" AKA X Factor seems lacking
I've had a few times wheres he's basically nano'd the qb when its been on but nothing gamechanging. At same time though its a 0ap xfactor so ill take it
Re: Troll offense but I can respect thought behind it
I'm in my mid long time gaming buddy is in his late 30s....we both have mentioned many times that esports gaming and streamers have sadly ruined the "…
Re: This "free" AKA set really crashed the market for today, but no new cards until Friday
I'm already enjoying the grave change...90 accel on that much man meat is nuts
Re: Troll offense but I can respect thought behind it
Oh I hated every minute of it...mainly because I didn't think bout trying it
Re: This "free" AKA set really crashed the market for today, but no new cards until Friday
I don't expect a massive difference in either but vita was getting long in the tooth with his low accel...inside stuff would activate but rbs would run right b…
Troll offense but I can respect thought behind it
Played a guy in mut champs yesterday wanted to commend on his "troll" offense...I say troll only because some may knock him for it...ran linchpin on 1 player a…
Re: This "free" AKA set really crashed the market for today, but no new cards until Friday
I grabbed a grave digger for 125 to replace vita who I got 105 out of....cashed in my Adrian Peterson Ltd and snagged a k9 for 220...they will both uptick a bi…
Re: Will sets give back BNDs later on?
Made sets way to cost effective when you could build and keep/sell card then tvp roll the bnds...basically made it so anytime you build set it was a net posit…
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