Yeah, I think these were mostly to help theme teams fill positions of need. We still have more ZC r…
The Chiefs have been on fire lately with Thomas, Law, Thornhill, and Nelson.
Yes, all of the 92's who didn't have Power Ups should be getting one.
I don't think they do but since I don't have any of them yet myself, I can't say for certain.
I'm assuming it does not but I do not know the answer for sure.
They said presents will include players. The larger the present, the more valuable I would assume.
We just had an OVR escalation with 95 Champions so, I believe LTDs moving forward will all be 96 an…
There will still be LTDs during Zero Chill, just not the Limited Edition Thursday release during th…
Nothing was mentioned in Release 1 about Ghosts. Hopefully, we see them in another ZC release becau…
I went through them without noticing. But you're right, that's a good question lol.
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