Re: Hitting the 90 MCV / 90 ZCV Thresholds
I have seen and grabbed McDermott from the AH but haven't seen or been able to grab Everflus.
Re: Top 3 All Around Corners For Less than 1M?
With Strat items and no Chems for less than 500k each.
J Johnson/D Ward/D Revis...
90+ SPD
88+ ACC (89-90 with Chem Tier I)
90+ MCV
90+ ZCV …
Re: Top 3 All Around Corners For Less than 1M?
Discount Deion, Champ in the slot?
Re: Hitting the 90 MCV / 90 ZCV Thresholds
Nice! Will have to keep an eye out for it on the AH.
Re: Hitting the 90 MCV / 90 ZCV Thresholds
YW. :)
UC Ball Hawk seems to be FS/SS only though which is what's in the Catalogue. Haven't found it in the AH but will keep looking.
Hitting the 90 MCV / 90 ZCV Thresholds
Strat items to help get you up over the next threshold.
R Ball Hawk - +2 MCV/+1ZCV (FS/SS) <- Confirmed!
R Free - +2ZCV/+1PRC (FS/SS)?…
Top 3 All Around Corners For Less than 500k - 90+ SPD/90+ ZCV/90+ MCV
90+ SPD
88+ ACC
90+ ZCV
90+ MCV
87+ PRS
Re: Can the Prime Time Ltd 88 ZCV Be Boosted to the 90 Threshold?
Nice! That with my UC In The Zone should give Prime Time and a couple of other CB the 90+ threshold.
Re: Can the Prime Time Ltd 88 ZCV Be Boosted to the 90 Threshold?
There's a Common "In the Zone" card that gives you +1ZCV and a UC "In the Zone" card that gives you +1 ZCV and +1PRC. Wonder if there is a Rare "In the Zone" c…
Can the Prime Time Ltd 88 ZCV Be Boosted to the 90 Threshold?
Are players thresholds based on their base stats or can they boosted using strategic items to meet the next threshold if they're close?
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