Ikr. He has one of the highest contested catch rates of any WR since he came into the league. Tbh. …
Max security is really good. With everyone running the K.O abilities.
Sorry. Nothing to do with this player, but does reach defensive rally?
Oh. Ok. Make sense... Appreciate the explanation.
No. I don't have a 2nd slot, cause you can't put safeties in speaslist slot
Tbh. It's not a bad thing Reed is faster, and has better coverage skills, so honestly it's a good t…
Nah. My sublb are R. Harrison, and T. Hen.
OK. So I have C. Johnson FS, J. Peppers SS, C. Bailey CB1, T Woolen CB2, A. Crom. CB3, and D. James…
There was a Payton card in the last madden, but his release made him unusable
Was the Colin Johnson a 96 last madden? Thought I remembered him being 97-98