How sad that a digital card gets you so triggered. It's just a game man. Just chill and buy the da…
Not with slinger 3 he isn't
Where exactly did EA say that
New LTDs are not getting the SB chems, and the chems EA listed for these cards do not show promo ch…
No he will not
The issue is Marshawn has 99s on speed , etc...because of SB chems. I've said this before , until …
This is EA's description of BCV:
"Ball Carrier Vision (BCV): How well an AI player runs for yardag…
LMAO no no no. BCV has nothing to do with fumbles bro. As for man cvg....there are NO threshholds. …
Bro there is no 95 RR threshhold
Davante does have the best WR…