Won him in the muthead tv giveaway.... and now I play the waiting game as they said it could take u…
When's the best time to sell?
Pulled him out of the 93+ bnd IF player pack from the field pass. Even though I have a raiders TT,…
Just to be clear, what teams are you using in the team slots? 2 Y2ks?
Are you using Seahawks in any of his team slots? I noticed that makes a difference for the chem boo…
Yes with unstoppable force on all game. He's my dt 1 (usually one on one). When I play against the …
Honestly this will sound dumb but I he's dt #2 behind Sapp (I have a raiders TT and Harris helps ou…
He's in packs until the 18th so he could go lower
Pulled him out of the free ROH pack by leaving twitch on overnight.
Okay thank you. I've been trying to find a replacement for Madabeast in the spot where they get do…
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