hopefully in 8 days when new season is out.
warning though, EA have delayed the strat set for a g…
MMG is a cuck lmao
“Hey bee-row” 😂 goofy ahhhh
you also american Gopack. stop saying “bro” like you a new zealander 😂😂 you morons sound like goofy…
go and tell your mother or girlfriend if you even have one the same woman jokes. see if you’re a bi…
watch any of his videos dude. he discriminates women every second video and has said some dodgy ass…
facts. hes sexist and racist. their supporters be throat goat gods 😂
slinger 1 and i’d say slinger 4 which is kylers signature release
if he gets unstoppable force he’s gonna be my DT alongside Sapp
i’ve got adderly and hester. hester a beast with flat zone KO