Re: Truzz is worthless
I didn't know reading and processing information qualified as mental gymnastics.
This ability has been this way since M23 when AKA Lamar came out. Opponent…
Re: Truzz is worthless
The ability description literally says "no tackles made against them will result in a fumble"...
User strips are not tackles.
Re: Flat zone KO
Yeah in the ability description it says that it has to be within 10 yards of the line of scrimmage, so if you're dropping your flats farther back than that, it…
Re: Anyone sticking with Zero Chill/GOM theme?
Moss is the only corner who can hit 98 SPD with 50/50 ghost future chem so that’s cap.
Re: Epic strat set is live
Not everyone can... I can see them on the AH but I can't auction mine. This game is so weird.
Re: Best left end?
Will Anderson looks nice but I can't say that I've used him.
T.J. Watt subbed in at rush LE is pretty good.
Re: Done
At what point did he vent or convey the least bit of frustration? 🧐
Re: Does anyone else find the MUT Discussion forum difficult to use because the thread titles are so long? Like it seems very “noisy”
Ironically long thread title here.
Re: Todd Gurley Recent Sales PS5
Gurley isn't an LTD though.
Re: Content Delayed - LOL
That would imply that they have any sort of QA department and we know that's not the case.
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